5 Tips for Repelling Pests!

Las Vegas has Mosquitos!?!  This is a new thing for me that in the 11 years living here I have never encountered mosquitos until now.

Wether a picnic, camping, hiking, or a stroll around the block those dreaded pests-flies, mosquitos, wasps, and more-can really ruin the fun with the 4th of July right around the corner.

Here are 5 great tips that will help repel biting and buzzing pests without using toxic products that can harm your health and the environment.  Some of these tips are actually great for your health and they're so easy!

1..Uf you're camping, bring along some coriander seed or lemon balm leaves to throw on the campfire.  Both are great pest deterrents.

2.  When you launder your outerwear, add a few drops of essential oil of lavender to the rinse water.  You'll think your clothes smell heavenly, but the pests won't.

3.  A tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar, taken once a day, can make your skin unattractive to biting pests.  And apple cider vinegar offers general health benefits, too!

4.  Garlic doesn't just repel vampires.  Eat lots of it, and the pests should stay away.  )And besides, garlic is good for you.)

5.  A daily dose of Vitamin B1 may be a good way to keep pests away.

Hope this helps you keep those nasty buggers off you :)


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