10 Tips to not screw up your Diet

  1. "I’m hungry and there’s nothing to eat".  Plan, prepare and meal prep so willpower is there.
  2. "I’m tired and I don’t feel like cooking".  Cook your meals in advance to know portion control.
  3. "I can just have 1 that won’t hurt".  Pizza, burgers , chocolate, cookies and it only takes 1 taste to crave.
  4. "I paid for it and I don’t want to waste it".  Meal prepping and portion controlling will allow you to know how much you should eat without over consuming or wasting food or money.
  5. "I don’t want to be rude so I’ll just have some".  No one really cares how much you eat compared to someone else so stop thinking being polite and cheating is really going to break your willpower.
  6. "But, it’s a special occasion so I wanna go out".  Go online and see the menu online so you know exactly what you are going to order the minute you get there.
  7. "One cheat day won’t hurt me".  A cheat meal won’t hurt but a whole entire day to eat crap will take at least a week or more depending on your metabolism to burn all the crap out vs a meal can be worked off in a day or two.
  8. Fluctuation in weight is totally normal.  80/20 rule to keep yourself on a healthy balance between carbs, water, fat and sugar.  Alcohol screws everything up.  You cannot diet if your drinking.
  9. People blame and use their aging or health issues as excuses not to eat clean or get up, have the willpower to change and are chalked full excuses.
  10. "I’ll start tomorrow".....yeah right um 😐ok

If you seriously are looking for some assistance hone take a look at one of my many Detox or 30 Food and Exercise Challenges that I'm happy to get you back to feeling like the real you!



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