Why I’ve Eliminated These Foods

Ever found yourself awake in the middle of the night with a terrible gut ache? 

Do you deal with mood swings?  Headaches?  Eczema?  Acne?  Insomnia?  Depression?  Anxiety?

These are all signs that you might be eating foods that your body is not able to process and are taking it in as a toxin and poison.

Here are some foods and drinks that I have eliminated permanently and for these reasons.

Rice, Pasta, Gluten, Oatmeal-  all of these food  create a rock in my gut which creates a very painful stomach ache that can last for days.

Dairy- causes a mucus cough and wheezy breathing.
Red Meat- Super hard time to digest and causes a lot of constipation.

Sugar- Causes mood swings and headaches.

Alcohol-  Allergic when I drink it and causes profuse vomiting and nausea.

Soda- Causes severe acid reflux.  Major burping and painful fizzing feeling in my nose.

I’ve recently been doing a Fruit and Veggie Cleanse including an Coconut Activated Charcoal Detox to get rid of any toxins I may have lingering in my body.  Haven’t eaten much meat in a few days which is definitely strange but my body is at 5.5 and is so acidic from all the protein I’ve been eating from meat that I need to alkalize my body back to 7.5 ASAP.

Journaling is a great way to track how you feel with certain foods and drinks you consume throughout the day.  I recommend tracking what you eat and drink for a week and see how more mindful you are to paying attention to how you feel after you eat or drink something❤️


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