What is Your Biggest Fear?

Everyone has fears and some never face them.  What are some of your biggest fears in life?  Getting old?  Dying?  Going into Debt?  Failing in your relationship?  Failing as a Boss?  Feeling like you're failing just inside as a person wanting more confidence and self esteem.

So what can one do to focus and get past their biggest fear?  

Facing it head on and headstrong and facing each fear as a mental challenge or exercise.  I look as each challenge that I fear as a game that the little girl inside of me can get excited about.  Instead of becoming angry, confused, anxiety, procrastination, hypocrite or whatever excuse I can find, I see it as a game to play and when I finish the task that I feared then I won!

One day, I realized that I needed to stop wasting time and life and grab the "Bull by the Horns" and grind through the feelings of fear until the uncomfortable habits of my codependency behaviors are eliminated.  The more I do this then the more I win!  

Do you know how happier I become when each task is complete and anxiety is alleviated instantly!  With each fear dissipating off my shoulders and finding out that I'm someone inside that I knew was always there is a miraculous achievement!  

Face the unknown, challenge and shake up yourself to get to know yourself as someone who you don’t know. Reinvent yourself.  Trust your intuition.  You’ll get there and even when you do get to that point.  Don’t give up.  Project your life outcomes and shake your comfortable life up to view the world differently.


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