What happens when I can’t sleep

It’s 1:30am and I’m wide awake.  Really?  Yeah really.  And it’ll affects my energy and mode for the rest of the day.

Why is this happening?

Typically if someone has experienced some sort of trauma in their life, then whenever the certain date of that specific incident rolls around (the more profound of an experience the more profound the reoccurrence happens) then this typically signals the brain in which PTSD is diagnosed.

My sisters death is arriving soon and it’ll be 2 years since her passing.  Watch her take her last breath was a very traumatic experience for me yet I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

4am June 13th 2017 is when I received the call from Christines Mother in Law to quickly come over.  Meaning it was Christines time to go soon coming from the Hospice Nurse.

This event plays in my head over and over and over and doesn’t stop.  The only thing that makes it stop it to overexert myself in the gym to near exhaustion and that now has drained my adrenals and caused me some health issues that I need to take a step back and figure out a new plan to action.

So, back to my insomnia.  What can I do about this to help my situation?  Journaling it.  Writing down how I feel and putting it down in writing to express myself fully.  This has helped me to be able to sometimes fall back asleep.

I truly also know inside that I’m still grieving my sister and I don’t want to let go of the pain of missing her.  Almost like my brain is  reluctant to want to let this event go.  Which in return, only causes me to re-play this event and wake up in the middle of the night rehearsing the scene over night after night.

Do I need grievance counseling in order to get through this?  No. 

This is a perfectly healthy and normal reaction. 

Do I need to remind myself to be easy on myself and slow down?  Yes.

Is anyone dealing with issues such as insomnia after dealing with some sort of PTSD?  Does it ever get worse when the anniversary date of the dramatic experience rolls around?



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