Nuture Your Body and Brain

What exactly in an Aura?

An electromagnetic field around you, thought to protect you from picking up other people's thought and emotions.  It's like the energy version of your immune system.  Your aura changes in response to what's going on in your life and your mental state.  There are ways to sensor and ready your energy and convert it into readings.

Heres what I found....

Red Aura- Sign of a Hard Eorker who's prone to stressing out.

Orange Aura- Color of fun, loving, active, independent and creative

Yellow Aura- All about success.  Goal oriented and a perfectionist

Green Aura- Color of change and love.  Appears when relationships are in transition.

Blue Aura- Sign of sensitivity and sympathy

Purple Aura- Related to spiritual and intuition.

When was the last time you felt someones energy and saw certain colors?  Pay attention next time you're around someone and their energy has a certain charge to it that someone else doesn't.  Frequencies and energy is one person is vastly different to another and that has to do with their aura as well.


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