Living Life With No Regrets

Life today is a result of all the choices and selections we've made from the past.  Living, traveling, working, and all sorts of different scenarios and paths that have shaped us to make us who we are today.  Would you trade that if you could?  Would it even be necessarily to go back and change the past?  When tomorrow you have no idea what lies ahead.  Sometimes although, from past choices and mistakes that we have to live with, makes us unforgiven ourselves and live a life of sadness, agony and depression. 

Remember, the old you is from yesterdays life and you can live today for a better new you, not the old you.  Today you’re someone new with different insights, aspects and decisions that have molded and made you stronger and not weaker from yesterday's mistakes.

No one is perfect and it’s a natural part of life to fail, make mistakes, learn, grow and move on to become better versions of ourselves.  So,  the next time you feel a burden coming on upon yourself, quickly forgive yourself and say it again and again until you truly forgive yourself and the feeling moves on.

What experiences in life from the past are you living that you might learn from for todays progression?  Take the learning mistake and experience a sense of teaching yourself to learn and to not resist to move forward and especially not stay stagnant.  Live life and have the experiences mold you and that’s an outcome of living with no regret.

Make new choices and create a new future.

What have you done that you’ve moved past so you can move on and live life without regret?


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