I’m Allergic to Alcohol.

  I realized this when I was 17 years old while drinking a Corona and could not stop throwing up profusely.

Alcohol instantly inflames my gut causing me to become severely nauseated, turn bright red in the face and I’m up for days.  

For some, this is a biggie that I notice people have a hard time when it comes to quitting.  No offense, I get it.  Drinking makes everything better.  Way better.

But for some people (unlike me) it is the difference between feeling out of control and my body and not being able to function vx. just having a good time.  

So many people I know deal with alcoholism.  Family, friends, relatives, a lot of people deal with it.  It’s tragic what effects it has on loved ones who care about them and the lack of control they have while they watch the problem slowly become worse.

Alcohol is everywhere and everywhere you go people are drinking.  But at what point does it take over the person and the bottle takes over?

I don’t drink for many reasons and I am happy I choose not to.  Particularly because of my parents never being big drinkers and also being allergic to it.  The weight gain I see on go through because of alcohol is very obvious.  

Doesn’t matter how healthy you are and how much you exercise.  Alcohol is poison and epty calories.  Alcohol has absolutely no nutritional value.  Alcohol taxes the body severely and reals havoc on so many issues related to inflammation.

Are you or do you know someone suffering with alcoholism?  


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