Getting a Good Night's Sleep without Pills

Do you have sleep problems?  From real insomnia to occasional restless slumber?  You’re not alone. I know exactly how you feel. Occasional insomniacs usually contribute their problems by worrying that there’s is a serious problem.  Occasional means anything from one sleepless night a week to want to year.

Insomnia is usually caused by a specific in temporary stress or anxiety.  How do you know when your occasional insomnia has become a chronic disorder?

Sometimes a person is simply not sleeping as much is he or she thinks they should, maybe you’re trying to sleep more hours than you need.  Learn to associate your bed and your bedroom with sleep and not to be a place that you hang out, watch TV and spend a majority of your time.  Pay attention to your bedrooms conditions such as light, noise, telephones, and keep temperature around 68°.  Make sure your mattress in your sleep clothing or comfortable. 

If you don’t fall asleep right away get up, leave the bedroom, and do something else.  Don’t lie awake thinking about it. Staying in bed for hours trying to get sleep accentuates the problem.  You begin to associate your bed and bedroom with trying to sleep instead of sleeping.  Stick to a regular bedtime schedule.  Go to bed at the same time every night.

Doctors prescribe sedatives and or useful in temporary situations or particular emotion or physical upset is in the case of the insomnia.  But ,the problem and tendency is people become dependent and worsening the quality of sleep as more pills are used.  If you are taking pills to sleep expect sleep to be disturbed the first night or two after stopping the pills.  That’s perfectly normal.

Do not exercise too late (and sex is the exception).  Caffeine should be consumed 5 to 6 hours before you go to bed alcohol can inhibit a good quality of sleep and also try a vibrating bed, pre-recorded sleep sessions, sleep masks, a white noise machine, taking a hot bath with Epson salt before you go to bed


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