The Importance of "Peak Week"

The Importance Of Peak Week

Peak week has begun for me and what does Peak Week entail?  

Well, for the next 7 days I will have 
no sugar
no salt

I begin Saturday with 2 gallons of water and slowly everyday I cutt my water intake while still doing the same training the same on top of cardio, sauna and recovery.

Manipulating water and sodium can reduce and move water out of the intercellular level in your skin but outside of the skin, the body will keep water in the vascular system, blood and muscles.

So it’s very difficult to get a good “Pump” on competition day is because the blood pressure, water and salt intake are so low so it take an incredible amount of tweaking and balancing.  This effort is where my coach does his magic.

Water manipulation is different with every person but as far as manipulating the portion, time and consistency of eating your meals this is what makes bodybuilders look their very best.  Make sure you find a experienced coach to have the support you need and deserve.  Meal Prepping is a serious thing so if need, find a Meal Prep Company or even a Nutritionist who can create an exact food program for your BMI.

But, back to Peak Week (I get a little distracted during this time LOL) so being a little moody, run down, and completely out of energy is to be expected but that’s where your support team plays a VERY important role in this process.  

The day of the show is when you get to celebrate early and if your coach allows you sugar and carb to pump up on show day, well this is how you can splurge and have your mini party to coming back to life!  I always like to bring my MDFit Resistance bands backstage to get that awesome pump in and get the “shredded” or “peeled” look that the judges look for.  

So thank you to my better half Gene for being SO supportive and giving me my space during this time and being SO SO understanding.  He's a 3 Time National Speedway Champion so he knows just the dedication and discipline it takes to be a true champion so again, this is another part of why you need someone to be your "ROCK" during these tumultuous times.

7 days out from The Jay Cutler Desert Classics held at the Tropicana Casino in Las Vegas!  Soo let’s do this!


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