Ego is the Enemy

Stop trying to be “Man Enough”

Ego is the enemy.

Greatness comes from humble beginnings.  From grunt work.  You’re the smallest in the room until you prove them wrong.

Ego tells us that Now we need success and fail to pretend a false success that means nothing.  Silence and subsist validation is moving forward.

Create every single day.  Ego is the enemy of what you want and what you have.  Creative insight and the struggle, insight and uncertainty are the foundation of what success is made of.

You must not fool yourself and your the easiest person who will be fooled if you think that the trap Of recognition you will fall again and again.

Drive towards your target of what you set out hat you said you were going to do.  Are you willing to let go of ego and become the best possible version of yourself.
Being Humble


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