You, Me and Chromotherapy

Color is a powerful mood-regulator.  Color therapy Eyewear is an easy, non-invasive method to create the mood you desire.  I love wearing my lightweight acrylic glasses that also block 95% UVB and 60% UVA rays.  Color Therapy glasses are available in red, orange, blue, indigo and violet.

I typically wear my glasses outside in the sun during my yoga sessions or early while I watch the sun rise during my fasted cardio sessions.

Lemme explain how color therapy eyewear works.  When you choose a single color and your eyes focus on that particular color, you feel a difference in your mood almost instantly. But, why is this?  When colors enter the eyes through the lens and then is sent to the receptor sights in the retina called rods and cones, this send color frequencies through the optic nerve to the brain and to the pineal glands.  In the brain, the frequencies are interpreted to determine the colors.  The different wavelengths of the frequencies determine which color will be perceived.  the Pineal glands convert nervous system signals into endocrine signals, when they reach pineal glands, colors can have various effects on the body both in physical and phsiological functions.  On a less scientific note, most people feel different when exposed to different colors.

For example, how do you feel when you get dressed everyday?  What colors are you wearing on a daily basis?  Color Eye Therapy allows one to become immersed in a particular  color, which can maximize the vibrational impact of that color on the body.

Red is associated with energy, power,, courage and self-confidence.  Red is the color of the Root Chakra.

Orange is the color with sociability, creativity and happiness.  France is the color of the Sacral Chakra, the energy center for procreation, pleasure and the feeling and emotions.

Yellow symbolizes health, cheerfulness and mental clarity.  Yellow is the color of the Solar Plexus Chakra.  This energy center is associated with the digestive system.

Green is the color for harmony, healing and peace.  Green is associated with the Heart Chakra.  When the heart chakra is balanced, a feeling of unconditional love is experienced and radiated.

Blue symbolizes sensitivity, loyalty and integrity.  It is the color of the Throat Chakra, the center of language, communication and personal expression.  When the throat chakra is balanced, we are better able to perceive and express the truth, and manifesting our ideas becomes easier.

The color of the Third Eye is Indigo.  Indigo can help us achieve the clarity we need needed to let go of the ideas and experiences that prevent us from perceiving accuracy.  Indigo can help us enhance and trust our ideas and experiences that prevent us from percieving accuracy.  Indigo can help us enhance trust our intuitive powers, Indigo is a serene color, which helps provide that stillness we need in order to access the meditative states and the subtleties which allow is to expand our life experience.

What colors are you drawn to and how do they make you feel?

Go outside and notice all the different colors or notice during a sunrise or sunset how vibrant colors are to you....Relax and Enjoy :)


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