9 Days Out from the Steve Karr Classics Competition

This was me and my bestie Tessa exactly 1 year ago last year when we both had our 1st competition ever in Bikini at the Steve Karr Classics Competiton in Las Vegas with our team Platinum Physiques.  Boy, was I a zombie!  My family came out to support me and it was definitely not easy.

Now, I'm competing in Figure and it's been such a growing experience mentally, physically and spiritually.  Even better, I know what to expect with the low energy crashes and I've changed my diet around a lot!

I'm still in shock that this was only 1 year ago and I had lost my beloved sister to breast cancer just 5 months before this competition took place.  I go back competing with more magnitude towards being grateful for my friends and family who are still in my life.

9 Days out and I still can't believe it's been since January since my last blog.  BOY!!!  Do I have a lot of catching up to do.  My passion is sharing my Fitness Adventures and life Journeys to inspire others to live life to the fullest and after competing at the Steve Karr lite a fire in me that I'm delighted to feel again.

Being a writer, broadcaster and entertainer comes with a responsibility that I feel has been now tethered with fitness, bodybuilding and overall helping others build their confidence and mindset.  So I'm back and ready and happy you're here to be with me.

Today, I gotta train my back HARD at LVAC after my fasted cardio.  And, I'm dropping off a TON of amazing Antiques that I recently bought at an Estate Sale at my store inside of Sin City Pickers Antique Store and the Dog's need their walk too.  So, I have a lot of work ahead of me.  Lets get to it!

I'll be sure to drop in a blog to keep you all aligned with my competition prep lifestyle underway and especially write more blogs connected with the Michelle Davis Fitness Talk Show every Thursday at 1pm PST on WCOBM TV and my "New Mind New You" Live stream MDFIT Support Chats on Facebook every Sunday at 10am.


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