Being addicted to Sugar in REAL!

My entire life I have been addicted to sugar.

Started as a child and I developed the nickname "TV Sugar Davis" and not too long had nearly 10 cavities and fillings by the time I was a teenager.  My parents let me eat whatever and whenever I wanted and I was never taught anything about health and nutrition so their were no limits in my world.  Ice Cream, sugary cereals, cookies you name it.

Having boundaries at an early age would have been easier for me to learn about the dangers of sugar and being aware of my body but my parents were always thin and in shape so I never was around obesity and naturally I didn't see any problems.  I had no idea what it was like being fat or being insecure until at around age 12, I developed a self image or complex about my weight when it started Middle School.

Never was I a chubby kid but my sister was 4 inches taller and a lot more slender than I was so she naturally got a lot of attention from boys and I was considered the Tomboy.  I had no idea what having a bad self image was like and not being prepared around what made me fat (which was poor food choices) I did see my body change early on in ways that I didn't like and i started to created a complex.

So naturally, when I started exercising and taking my health seriously at around age 17, I took a Nutrition Class in College and WOAH did I learn a lot!  My whole world changed at that point I joined Weight lifting and even joined the Track & Field Team and make in into the Cuesta College Fall Sports Magazine's front cover.

So all up until this point in my life, I've been pretty lean for my height and size but by now I've also incorporated getting microscopy done by my good friend Maryanne Klingenberg of See My Cells on Facebook for the last 8-9 months.  Microscopy is being able to see your blood cells live on the TV screen under a microscope and be able to evaluate your health by how your cells look.  Even though I'm not overweight and in great shape, still doesn't mean that what I'm eating can have an impact on my organs and how my boyd functions.   So what I'm getting at is that by eating too much sugar AND even artificial sugar this can causes bacteria and fungus to spread in my bloodstream which makes my cells and immune system weak and can tax me quickly during my workouts to become fatigued quicker.

After the competition, I went straight for Hot Cocoa, Whip Creme, Stevia and everything with sugar in it.  I tried my damnedest to be good but yeah were not perfect and what kind of a life is it to live without feeling the sense of freedom and contentment from working so hard.  Besides sugar allows us to feel great by giving us those serotonin or dopamine feelings that we love.  But it is not OK if we become dependent on sugar permanently so that we fee these feeling non stop thought the day.  By becoming addicted to sugar I end up gaining weight, getting sick and feeling crappy because my system is trying to fight off all the bacteria and fungus and work so hard to get my insulin levels back to normal.

Sugar is more addictive than cocaine or heroine the FDA says.  I believe it wholeheartedly.  Everyone backstage after the competition couldn't wait to indulge into something that was sugar related.  People were walking around with pink donut boxes like they were Holy Bibles.  The "Sweet" fantasies that everyone who competed were commenting on backstage was hilarious like it was a Diabetes AA meeting in the making.

They even had 4 trays so f cupcakes backstage for everyone to enjoy when they walked right off stage so I rest my case!  Sugar is everywhere and you cannot hide from it.  Were all addicted, were all exposed and theres almost no way of running away from it.

So this is one of the hurdles I have to face while needing to gain "healthy weight" on for my next competition in March and I'm still needing to be creative with my meals.  So I have incorporated WAY to eat more Sweet Potatoes, Fruit and Honey into my diet which are all healthy sugars as well as my some of the Protein Powder I'm using is Vegan and has Raw Cane Sugar in it also so I'm trying to be as natural and healthy as possible without being too strict.

Anything that says 0 calories and 0 sugar on it don't be fooled that you can't gain weight with these products also.  Trust me, I fell for this nonsense and was putting WAY too much fake sweeteners in my Protein Shakes and Coffee thinking, "There's no sugar in this; but watch out!!  It'll creep up on you without you even knowing it unless you were to look under a microscope.


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