Every morning I wake up early.  Sometimes really early like around 3:30 but most days it's around 6:30am.  It's funny how the beginning of our day can set the tone for our mode and emotions for the rest of that day.  So it's very important to be gentle on yourself when you first wake up.  I wish I could be like that.  Every morning I wake up and instantly I have really in depth thoughts that never go away.

Thoughts about life, career, family, my insecurities, lots of questions searching for answers in self help books and most of all.  Thoughts about my sister Christine and why she had to leave me.  Why does this happen almost every morning?  I'm exhausted before I leave my home and its only 10am sometimes.

First thing I feel the need to do is move.   My body reacts to wanting to feel good so by getting on my elliptical machine and doing my cardio right when I wake before breakfast, it sets my body in action to allow my mind to respond and stop all the negative thinking.  I definitely know that every morning to begin the day right by doing this first exercise activity right when I get out of bed and drinking 2 full glasses of water that my "Monkey Mind" won't be so much in control.  Now I can start my day in a healthier way.


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